L37 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L37 8 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L37 8 Postcodes (Active). L37 8 postcode sector comprises of 49 active postcodes. L37 8 sector has a population of 1834, and it has 821 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L37 8 postcode sector

L37 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1834
Addresses / Property Count 821
Active Postcodes 49
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L37 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-49 of 49 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L37 8BA 53.55551800 -3.05749400 21 40 330042 407064
L37 8BB 53.55655100 -3.05454600 19 46 330239 407176
L37 8BD 53.55561200 -3.05382500 13 29 330285 407071
L37 8BE 53.55767100 -3.05499600 27 58 330211 407301
L37 8BG 53.55532100 -3.05542100 23 43 330179 407040
L37 8BH 53.55632800 -3.05239700 41 97 330381 407149
L37 8BJ 53.55502100 -3.05071900 14 28 330490 407002
L37 8BL 53.55414200 -3.04950400 8 15 330569 406903
L37 8BN 53.55409700 -3.04844700 7 21 330639 406897
L37 8BP 53.55487600 -3.04984000 14 28 330548 406985
L37 8BQ 53.55701800 -3.05661000 48 68 330103 407230
L37 8BR 53.55428000 -3.05017200 11 23 330525 406919
L37 8BS 53.55474900 -3.04894600 15 39 330607 406970
L37 8BT 53.55352300 -3.04938300 24 58 330576 406834
L37 8BU 53.55927300 -3.05070300 14 32 330498 407475
L37 8BW 53.55503500 -3.05111200 5 14 330464 407004
L37 8BX 53.55920600 -3.04991400 6 13 330550 407467
L37 8BY 53.55771900 -3.04950200 46 96 330575 407301
L37 8BZ 53.55738600 -3.05056600 36 77 330504 407265
L37 8DA 53.55965100 -3.04962600 15 26 330570 407516
L37 8DB 53.55934100 -3.04804800 14 34 330674 407480
L37 8DD 53.55897100 -3.05123900 39 91 330462 407442
L37 8DE 53.56037500 -3.05109300 25 59 330474 407598
L37 8DF 53.55988700 -3.04724600 28 63 330728 407540
L37 8DG 53.55800200 -3.04902600 31 73 330607 407332
L37 8DH 53.55856400 -3.04852700 16 35 330641 407394
L37 8DJ 53.55864500 -3.04948000 12 32 330578 407404
L37 8DL 53.55403000 -3.04172800 N/A N/A 331084 406883
L37 8DN 53.55599000 -3.05706800 7 11 330071 407116
L37 8DP 53.55361700 -3.04455300 N/A N/A 330896 406840
L37 8DQ 53.55884900 -3.04773400 27 75 330694 407425
L37 8DR 53.55521800 -3.05381800 18 60 330285 407027
L37 8DS 53.55542800 -3.04918600 20 58 330592 407046
L37 8DT 53.55484900 -3.05386900 22 43 330281 406986
L37 8DU 53.55456100 -3.04681300 1 1 330748 406947
L37 8DW 53.55419800 -3.04001100 N/A N/A 331198 406900
L37 8DX 53.55600500 -3.04920300 30 70 330592 407110
L37 8DY 53.55620500 -3.04789500 11 23 330679 407131
L37 8DZ 53.55637200 -3.04734100 30 78 330716 407149
L37 8EA 53.55640000 -3.04823200 8 12 330657 407153
L37 8EB 53.55459300 -3.05335000 46 91 330315 406957
L37 8ED 53.55425100 -3.05143900 5 16 330441 406917
L37 8EE 53.55412400 -3.05258300 11 30 330365 406904
L37 8EF 53.55550300 -3.05624100 4 7 330125 407061
L37 8EG 53.55484700 -3.04166900 N/A N/A 331089 406974
L37 8EH 53.55177600 -3.04538300 N/A N/A 330838 406636
L37 8EN 53.55655200 -3.05348900 6 12 330309 407175
L37 8RP 53.55404500 -3.05543400 3 9 330176 406898
L37 8WA 53.55649700 -3.06349400 N/A N/A 329646 407179
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